SPRED (SPecial REligious Development) is a unique program adapted for persons with physical and/or developmental disabilities. The program assists individuals with special needs to know God, grow in faith, and prepare for receiving the sacraments. It is our firm belief in this parish that ALL children are created perfectly by God and that all children are called to discipleship through the sacraments. If you have or know of an individual who would benefit from this program, please contact us.
SPRED focuses on specific age groups. Classes will be held at the St. Hugh Faith Formation Center.
- Children ages 6-10 - St. Pius X Parish, Stickney
- Teenagers ages 11-16 - St. Paul VI Parish (St. Hugh Faith Formation Center)
- Young People ages 17-21 - St. Paul VI Parish (St. Hugh Faith Formation Center)
- Adults 22 years and older - St. Paul VI Parish (St. Hugh Faith Formation Center)
If you know of an individual who would benefit from this program, please call the Parish office at (708) 447-1020.
SPRED is a network of services designed to assist persons with developmental disabilities and or learning problems to become integrated into parish assemblies of worship through the process of education in faith. Spred services are provided through the leadership of the Special Religious Development Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.
SPRED is a program of growing in faith for people with down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy with a developmental delay, or learning problems from 6 years to well into their 80s no matter their abilities. These people have a right to grow in their faith; but they need a way that is better suited to how they relate in life.
The SPRED program is specially designed to meet this need. We are looking for adult volunteers to welcome the adult friends we have and those who are waiting. Since SPRED is not a classroom model of religion education, we need adult volunteers who will be trained to form a small community of faith and grow in their own faith as they welcome people of a particular age group. An interested person does not need experience with these people or have a degree in special education. They just need a willingness to grow in their faith, be people who enjoy meeting others, and want to welcome our friends.
VIRTUS - SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING - All volunteers working with children and youth are required by the Archdiocese to attend the “Protecting God's Children” class. All participants MUST pre-register at www.virtusonline.org and complete the registration information. The class is held at parishes in the area. This training is required before you volunteer. For more information, go to VirtusOnline.
We need your help! Let us grow in our new life in the Risen Lord.
Please call the Parish Office at (708) 447-1020 for any questions you might have.
Additional information can be found at the SPRED website at http://www.spred.org.
Please feel free to contact the Parish Office for any question you may have at (708) 447-1020
“Let us not grow weary of doing good.” (Galatians 6:9)